
CNET News.com: Gates, Barrett to plug workstations tomorrow

“[Microsoft CEO] Bill Gates and [Intel CEO] Craig Barrett
will highlight a dual company event tomorrow focused on promoting
workstations based around the ‘Wintel’ architecture.

Gates… and Barrett… will be the featured speakers tomorrow
at the Workstation Leadership Forum in Burlingame, California. The
two executives will be joined by corporate customers as well as
other executives. … Intel is also expected to give an update on
Merced, its long-awaited 64-bit processors.”

“The move into workstations has clearly benefited both companies
and their computing allies. Intel/Windows NT workstations are
growing at a compound annual growth rate of approximately 24.8
percent, according to figures provided by the companies from IDC
while revenues are growing at around 20 percent.”

“The movement, however, isn’t as lockstep as it looks. Although
its market share remains small, the Linux operating system is
growing in popularity among workstation users as an alternative to
both Windows NT and Unix. Even stalwart Microsoft allies like Dell
Computer are loading it onto their workstations.”


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