“Microsoft, Red Hat, Compaq, and Hewlett-Packard were among the
companies that made a bid for the Linux.com domain name in a round
of bidding in 1998, the previous owner of the hot Internet real
estate said today.”
“Other companies that expressed interest in the site, though not
bids, included Dell, IBM, and Novell, said Fred van Kempen, who
registered the Linux.com domain. He declined to say how much any
company offered, but did say that the new owner, VA Research, paid
“substantially less” than the top offer.”
He registered the site in June 1994 with the express purpose of
“protecting the site from being abused” by commercial companies,
and held two rounds of bidding for the site, he told CNET News.com
today. His advice to prospective bidders: “Bring a lot of cash and
bring a good plan.”