“Google Chrome has only had extensions available for a few
months, but it already has a great collection of add-ons that will
boost your browsing experience. We look at a handful of extensions
that let you manage tabs effectively, learn more about the sites
you browse, and read feeds with panache.“After only a few months, Chrome is cruising towards the 3,000
extensions mark. Google Chrome literally has thousands of
extensions to choose from, but deciding isn’t easy. If
you’re getting started with Chrome extensions, we have a few
suggestions to help you manage tabs, read feeds with speed, and put
your favorite sites on Speed Dial.“TooManyTabs
“If you’re like me, after a few hours you have way too
many tabs open to keep track of easily. You find pages you’d
like to save or refer to later, or have tabs open for Web
applications you use throughout the day — but maybe not very
Customize Chrome for Better Browsing
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