
Explore the Universe: The Three Best Linux Stargazing Apps

[ Thanks to Carla Schroder for this
link. ]

“KStars: KStars is my favorite. It’s reasonably lightweight for
a planetarium program and doesn’t need a super-duper video card or
CPU, though the current release includes experimental OpenGL
support. It has some KDE dependencies, and KDE4 applications are
just like KDE3 applications: they run fine in any Linux graphical
environment as long as all of their dependencies are installed.

“KStars supports several databases containing over 140,000
stars, deep-sky objects, comets and asteroids, constellations, and
the solar system. When you run it for the first time it asks you to
select your city, or a city close to you. Then every time you start
KStars it will default to your location. You’re not stuck with
that, but can quickly select any location on the planet from
Settings > Geographic. The ‘Add City to List’ button seems to
suggest that you can create a list of cities to quickly switch to,
but alas, this is not so. This button is for adding cities to
KStar’s list of cities, which are stored in the mycities.dat file
in your home directory.”

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