“Windows Mobile is losing the last vestiges of its mojo–if it
really had any to begin with–as the Droid and other phones based
on the Android 2.0 operating system push the buzz meter needle into
the red zone. Many in the media–which can play a big role in
steering users to one technology platform or another–sense that
Windows Mobile has now been relegated resolutely to has-been
status.“Let’s do a quick canvas of what some in the press are saying
now that we’re at the start of the Droid era. A post on SFGate.com
(the Web site of the San Francisco Chronicle) is, like other
commentary out there, clearly dismissive of Windows Mobile.
“Curiously, Microsoft is nowhere to be seen in this battle royal,”
the author states, referring to the iPhone and Android.
First iPhone, now Droid. Who needs Windows?
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