
Five Linux alternatives to Windows 7

[ Thanks to Steven J.
for this link. ]

“As I explained recently in an IT World feature, How to
give Linux a try, there are lots of ways to sample Linux without
jumping through elaborate hoops to make your PC a dual-boot Linux
and Windows system, or take the leap of converting your PC
altogether to Linux. If any of those experiences persuades you that
Linux is for you, or if you’re ready to take the plunge, here are
five great Linux distributions for you.

“Before jumping into my list, I must say that, alas, Google
Chrome isn’t among them. Sources at Google tell me that Chrome, the
operating system, not the browser, will be coming out very soon,
but it isn’t yet ready. Gosh, a company that waits until a product
is ready to be revealed before releasing it! If only Microsoft had
done that few years back with Vista. But on with the list.”

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