
GNU/Linux Software I Use Regularly

[ Thanks to Gene
for this link. ]

“My distribution of choice is Mandriva. Mandriva is a RPM based
distribution and has several very well written tools to help one
manage one’s desktop system. Since RPM is a requirement for Linux
Standards Base (LSB) I prefer to stick with RPM based
distributions. Mandriva was one of the first, if not the first, RPM
based distribution to solve the ‘RPM dependency Hell’ that so many
encountered in the early days of RPM distributions.

“My ‘desktop’ runs a light window manager named fluxbox. I am
not fond of Gnome nor KDE as they are too bloated to start with.
Sure one can strip them down, but I would prefer to start light and
add only what I want or need. Plus some of my friends I know that
run Gnome and KDE do occasionally have broken desktops from trying
to update them with the latest and greatest. Due to the complexity
of the Desktop Environments (DE) like Gnome and KDE they can be a
bear to try to upgrade. Especially for my friends that have jumped
from an older primary version to a newer primary version like from
KDE3 to KDE4. Just search the web and one can find story after
story of upgrade PAIN going from KDE3 to KDE4. Due to upgrade
problems under KDE one of my friends now says she has a new swear
word, ‘KDE4’. With fluxbox I have never had such a problem and do
not expect to ever have a broken ‘desktop’ because of a fluxbox

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