“The stated reasoning behind the addition of this feature seems
to focus on competition with Ubuntu. Fine then; although the
openSUSE installation media’s offered the option of updating rather
than installing for a while now, it was always a hit and miss
affair; usually more miss than hit, so that doing a clean install
was often necessary. (One obvious reason is that the installation
media only provides a few software repositories; if you had a whole
bunch of online repositories active prior to installation, you
probably had software installed that wasn’t even on the
installation media. Novell also seems to be admitting that its
software management tools weren’t up to the task until now.)“The easiest way to upgrade from openSUSE 11.1 to 11.2 is via
the command line. However, that doesn’t make for very exciting
screenshots, so I elected to install a YaST module named “wagon”
that does the same thing. It failed about halfway through the
process, and I had to go back to the command line. If you use
“wagon,” I hope your results are better than mine! Here’s the
Hitch your wagon to a lizard: dist-upgrading openSUSE
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