[ Thanks to Steven J.
Vaughan-Nichols for this link. ]
“It used to be that if you wanted to try desktop Linux,
you had to be a confident power-user and make permanent changes to
your PC or have another computer. Those days are long gone. Today,
you have four different, easy ways to take Linux for a spin.“1) Hidden Built-in Linux
If you have a new PC, you may already have Linux installed on your
computer. Does your PC have an instant-on setting that lets you
look at the Web and check e-mail without actually booting up? If it
does, congratulations, you already have Linux.“The exact name may vary, and it probably won’t even give a hint
that you’re running Linux, but that’s indeed the case. For example,
newer computers from ASUS, Lenovo, HP, LG, and Sony all come with
DeviceVM’s Splashtop Instant-On Desktop, which is a lightweight
desktop Linux.“Splashtop’s not the only Linux already hiding in plain-sight on
new Windows PCs. The high-end Dell Latitude Z includes a
mini-motherboard just to run its instant-on Linux, a custom version