
Idiotic Anti-Linux & Google Patent Decision

[ Thanks to Steven J.
for this link. ]

“No less a figure than Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has
described the EDTX as a “renegade jurisdiction.” It’s no wonder
than that patent troll Bedrock chose the EDTX as its battlefield
for its attack on Google, and a host of other companies, over a
violation of its patent, which appears to be used in Red Hat
Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

“In the case, the EDTX jury on Bedrock Computer Technologies,
LLC vs. Google, Inc., awarded Bedrock $5 million. That’s chump
change by patent troll standards, but Bedrock has also sued, among
others, Yahoo!, MySpace, Amazon, PayPal, Match.com and AOL There’s
money in those companies and Bedrock wants it!

“Their justification? That the company’s crap patent, Methods
and apparatus for information storage and retrieval using a hashing
technique with external chaining and on-the-fly removal of expired
data is violated by Red Hat in its Linux products.”

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