
Introducing OpenShot

“It may be useful to define what we should expect from an editor
such as OpenShot. The following functions and actions might be
considered basic to any NLE :

* Load and play video and audio clips in various formats.
* Arrange and mix clips in a multitrack mode.
* Cut/copy/paste footage in and between clips.
* Add effects within clips.
* Add transition effects between tracks.
* Export mix to video formats defined for various targets (Web,
mobile device, DVD, file, et cetera).

“As seen in the Features list above OpenShot supports these
basic functions along with some more advanced features and some
interesting attractions of its own.

“In its basic operations OpenShot is similar to Kdenlive. Both
programs are designed with an integrated UI in which individual
clip edits and project multitrack edits are accomplished in the
same display. This design favors a fast “back & forth” workflow
and is an excellent design for non-linear video editors.”


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