
Linux Journal: Visit to a Strange Program

[ Thanks to Marcel
for this link. ]

“I realize it is a little bit bizarre, François, but part
of what makes running Linux so attractive is it has put the fun
back into computing. Sometimes fun is just plain silly. Non, mon
ami, this program does nothing for your productivity. “No, it does
not monitor resources nor help with system administration. Yes, you
are correct, it serves no obvious useful purpose.

“You ask why? Why, François, do we serve fine wines and
not plain water? Why do we indulge in rich foods and decadent
desserts rather than consuming only what our bodies need? Because
it is fun, mon ami. And why are you not paying attention to me?
What are you looking at?

“Ah, bonjour, mes amis! Welcome to Chez Marcel, home of fine
Linux fare, great wine and the occasional excursion into strange
and unusual software territory. Please sit and François will
pour the wine imm&eacute:diatement. François, to the
wine cellar. Fetch the 1997 Eden Valley Hill of Grace Shiraz.


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