
Linux-Mandrake community newsletter – Issue #1

Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 12:59:34 -0500
From: "Mandrake team" <return@mandrakesoft.com>
Subject: Linux-Mandrake community newsletter - Issue #1

L I N U X – M A N D R A K E


Issue #1 Saturday, 26 May 2001

Welcome to the first edition of the Linux-Mandrake Community
Newsletter dedicated to keeping you up-to-date with the latest
Mandrake-related news & info.

This Week’s Summary: Shakeup at MandrakeSoft; Mandrake-Linux
8.0; MandrakeStore is now open; Mandrake/PPC is coming;
MandrakeForum’s latest headlines.

Shakeup at MandrakeSoft?

Many rumours have been circulating lately about Mandrakesoft. In
order to understand what is really happening (and not happening),
please read the complete coverage at Linux Weekly News on http://lwn.net/2001/0524/

Late-breaking news: MandrakeStore.com is open!

Grand Opening of MandrakeStore! For people wanting to purchase
products & goodies directly from MandrakeSoft, please stop by
and visit our new website:


You’ll find a special Mandrake-Linux 8.0 PowerPack Subscription
Offer, Mandrake 8.0 2-CD sets, Mandrake T-shirts, and more.
Additional products will soon be added and the online store will
continue to improve and grow, so please stop by.

What’s Cooking at MandrakeSoft?

MandrakeSoft developers Stew Benedict and David Baudens have
been submitting hundreds of packages built for the PPC platform in
preparation of an upcoming beta. If you have a PowerMac (iMac,
iBook…) or IBM PPC box, keep an eye on the Mandrake website or
upcoming issues of this newsletter for announcements regarding the
release of the first L-M 8.0 PPC Beta.

To get involved with the development process as a beta tester,
please subscribe to the PPC port mailing list. Send an email to
sympa@linux-mandrake.com with
the words “SUB cooker-ppc” in the body of your message.

Product News

Linux-Mandrake 8.0 retail packages have begun appearing on store
shelves. Three products are available to choose from:
Linux-Mandrake Standard Edition, for new and experienced users;
Linux-Mandrake PowerPack Edition, for power users and those setting
up a workstation or server; Linux-Mandrake ProSuite Edition, a
Linux enterprise solution for small and medium-sized

The PowerPack and a special 2-CD set is available to purchase
directly from MandrakeStore; see http://www.mandrakestore.com/
for additional information and ordering form.

Mandrake in the news

NewsForge offers a comprehensive and detailed comparison of
Linux-Mandrake 8.0 and Red Hat 7.1.


The Duke Of Url has reviewed Mandrake-Linux 8.0 and their
conclusion is: “Mandrake has raised the stakes in the distribution

Show your support!

Please support our Open Source efforts with a voluntary
contribution to your favorite project; choose from: Advanced
Extranet Server, Alpha Port, Configuration Tools, Cooker,
Documentation, DrakX (install), Gaming Development, Gnome,
HardDrake/Hardware support, I18n (Internationalization), Kernel,
KDE, KOffice, MandrakeCampus, MandrakeExpert, MandrakeForum,
MandrakeUser.org, Plex86, PowerPC Port, Quality Assurance,
Security/Crypto, Sparc Port.

Top Stories of the Week from MandrakeForum

Deno in SuSE-Land and other stories
Denis Havlic, the editor of MandrakeForum, kicks off a European
Roadshow to promote Linux-Mandrake by visiting Germany. http://www.mandrakeforum.com/article.php?sid=897&lang=en

I need more flexible firewall configuration tool! A reader sends
in his request and receives some helpful tips.

Mandrake 8.0 on the desktop at Work
A system adminstrator writes in that he currently has six servers
running Linux-Mandrake (3 for DNS and 3 firewall/gateway machines.)
and plans to move all 500 of his workstations to Mandrake in the
near future.
How do you use use Linux-Mandrake in your workplace? http://www.mandrakeforum.com/article.php?sid=893&lang=en

Writing an Introductory book on L-M 8.0 — What would you like
to see? MandrakeSoft employee Phil Lavigna is writing a book about
Linux-Mandrake 8.0 and asks for your input about what would make a
good book on our favorite Linux distribution.

Read these and other stories at:

Latest headlines from the Linux-Mandrake Demo & Tutorial

A graphical walkthrough of a L-M 8.0 installation: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/demos/Demo/Mandrake8.0/Install/

Quick look at some of the new features in L-M 8.0:

Mandrake Resources

The official documentation for L-M 8.0 is available online and
can also be downloaded for viewing and printing:

MandrakeForum.com – Discussion forum for LM topics: http://mandrakeforum.com/

MandrakeCampus.com – MandrakeCampus provides free education and
training courses to the entire GNU Linux community: http://www.mandrakecampus.com/

MandrakeExpert.com – Need help or want to help others? Choose an
online “expert” and ask your question or become an expert yourself
and share your knowledge:

MandrakeUser.org – A central repository of technical information
and troubleshooting tips for the Linux-Mandrake distribution:

The Linux-Mandrake Demo & Tutorial Center – Online graphical
tutorials of Linux-Mandrake: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/demos/

Cooker – For developers and beta testers: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/cookerdevel.php3

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