[Editor’s Note: As a private pilot, I am happy to provide
this link that provides Linux users a chance to taste the
adventures of flight on this, the 100th anniversary of powered
flight. -BKP]
“Flying has never been so impressive–or free. FlightGear is a
flight simulator that boasts surprising technical realism,
supported by an equally sophisticated pedigree–several of its
active developers work in the aeronautics industry. ‘What keeps the
project going is a wide range of people who care deeply. This is
not a typical open source project–many of our contributors are
closer to middle age,’ says David Megginson, a 39-year-old
programmer from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, who has contributed his
time and skills to FlightGear’s development. ‘We have the benefit
of contributors who know a lot about their domains, including
pilots and aeronautical engineers.’“Thus, with FlightGear, the emphasis is on simulation. Its
developers are proud of the fact that their flight simulator
replicates the real kinks and quirks of airplane flying, even if
the end result might not always necessarily be ‘fun.’ One of their
primary development goals is for FlightGear to be used for serious
aeronautic research and academic purposes. This doesn’t mean
there’s no room for entertainment, though–you can still fly around
idly and see some beautiful landscapes based on actual locations
that are generated by real-world mapping technology…”