“Last week, I spoke at SCO Forum and have been fascinated at how
far some folks appear to be going to misquote the keynote I
delivered there. If you separate yourself from bias, you will see
that I never said that all folks who buy the concept of free
software are idiots–only some of them. You also will see that I am
very clear that ‘free,’ in the context of my talk, is, in fact,
free as in free beer. I do know the difference between that and
free as in freedom.“You’ll also note that I don’t mention open-source software very
much at all and that ‘open source’ clearly isn’t in the title of
the keynote, regardless of what some postings around the Net have
said. I’m a big believer in freedom and I also believe that a large
number of Linux backers only believe in free as in ‘free only if
you agree,’ which denies choice and, in my view, isn’t freedom at