
LinuxNewbie.org: Installing ALSA for the VT82C686 integrated sound

[ Thanks to Sensei
for this link. ]

“This tutorial is specifically tailored towards installing
ASLA and getting it configured for the VT82C686 [Apollo Super
AC97/Audio] aka Southbridge integrated sound, with an effort to
include information on how to locate the particulars for other
sound systems. This tutorial is meant to supplement, not replace,
ALSA’s own documentation files.”

“ASLA stands for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, and was
developed as a method of modularizing and standardizing sound for
Linux. If your Linux distribution already supports your sound card,
then you don’t need ALSA. Be aware that Via Technologies does
release drivers for this sound device for Redhat and Caldera, see
the end of the tutorial for a reference on where to pick them up

“This tutorial assumes several things:
* You have Linux installed and working
* You are using an X based desktop, such as KDE or Gnome
* You are logged in as Root, or have used ‘su’
* You know what a terminal window is, and can enter commands
* You have been able to acquire the ALSA 0.5.8a (or newer) source
files, and
that they reside in your home directory; ALSA web site is:
* You have no soundcard card and are using the integrated sound
chips on your mb, and those chips are the Southbridge set.”

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