“BeOpen.com, the worldwide leader in Python technologies,
announced today the launch of its PythonLabs Professional Services
Program. The Program offers custom application development,
technical support and Python technology development for dotcoms and
major enterprises. Companies with present or future plans for
Python or in need of rapid application development now have access
to Python’s foremost technologists at PythonLabs under the
direction of Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python. Corporations
can contract BeOpen PythonLabs on a project basis and can also
sponsor development of the Python language.”
“Python is setting a new standard for creating advanced
Internet-centric applications and providing leading firms with
improved time-to-market, reduced maintenance costs and greater
leverage than Java, Perl and C++,” noted Mark Kaleem, CEO of
BeOpen.com. “Our PythonLabs professional services bring the
business advantages of Python, today enjoyed by such firms as
Yahoo! Red Hat, Ultraseek (now Inktomi), Microsoft Network eShop,
Google and Loudcloud, to a broad audience on an outsourced
“Python fills the need for rapid, multi-platform application
development and advanced feature sets that customers are demanding
today. Guido van Rossum explains, “The complexity of developing
distributed server, embedded and even desktop applications
continues to grow rapidly and traditional solutions are simply
adding to this complexity. Python lets us focus on the business
problem at hand and generate flexible, long-lasting solutions that
excite users and are ready in much less time than traditional
projects. This is how mission-critical systems should be