“Richard Morrell and Lawrence Manning, co-authors of the
SmoothWall Open Source firewall project, have joined SlashTCO
Limited, the UK Open Source services and information
“Richard will join SlashTCO as Development Director and will
spearhead the Company’s campaign to get the “Total Cost of
Ownership” message across to IT organisations. Back in 1997 he
founded WebDynamics, one of the first Linux services companies in
the UK, subsequently working for Linuxcare before moving on to
become part of the European Operations at VA Linux, where he
continued to work with some of the most influential characters in
the Open Source space. Richard is tasked with the growth of the
development and revenue opportunities under the SlashTCO umbrella,
whilst building on relationships with companies and corporations
looking to use Linux and Open Source technologies.”
“Lawrence has over 15 years programming experience and holds an
honours degree in Computer Engineering. He has been involved with
numerous Open Source projects including the Linux kernel