“Kernel news, opinions and hard tech-talk. Come say hello!”
“Today…,LinuxGrrls.Org is officially launched, aiming to
appeal to the more technically oriented geek grrl. We have an
online web-based forum for opinions, discussion and kernel
development news and mailing lists for more in-depth stuff. There’s
also a place for people to post up job adverts and resumés.
We hope the site will grow in interesting and unexpected new
directions from here.”
“Yes, we’re another “women’s Linux site”. Actually we’re
named more for just being a couple of geek grrls who wanted to
start a Linux site than for any particular crusading zeal, and men
are by all means welcome to join in, but having said that we
hope and intend that the tone of discussion will be more
female-friendly than is often the case at geek hangouts.”