
LinuxPR: TelcoSoft announces Extensys – Linux based communications application development platform

“Extensys is a powerful and complete environment for developing
and deploying production-grade communications applications in a
distributed environment. Using Extensys, a C++ software developer
can develop complex and robust communications applications at a
rapid pace without a deep understanding of the underlying devices,
protocols and practices. When these applications are deployed, the
services provided by these applications can be accessed by the
end-users (or subscribers) either from a telecommunications network
(via phone) or from the service providers web site.”

“We want programmers to embrace Extensys for developing
communications applications. Hence we are making the platform
freely available to the developer community. You can download a
free version of the software from our web site to check out its
capabilities and to develop applications using it. We are also
developing some reference applications ourselves which we are
making it available for free from our web site along with the
source. Currently, the only application that is available is an
E-mail reader. This application allows subscribers to listen to
their e-mail messages over the phone.”

“The current release is a beta version and still under
system test.
If you decide to wait till we release the
software for a general release, please send us an e-mail (info@telcosoft.com) and we will
send you a notification when we are ready with the release. If you
are planning to check out the telecommunications capabilties of the
system, you must own one or more supported voice boards. Please
check out our web site for details. In a future release, we will
support virtual devices that simulate telephony devices without
requiring the actual hardware.”


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