[ Thanks to Daniel
James for this link. ]
LinuxUser issue 6 articles now available for download at
Guest Editorial 60k
If US-style software patents come to Europe, the playing field will
be tipped strongly in favour of the big boys, warns Phil Hands
News 179k
The latest on Linux, including Sun’s nine-million-line code gift,
Gartner’s five-year prognosis for Linux, the latest on the push
towards 64-bit, and a change in strategy for API. Plus new products
and upcoming events
Cover Feature – Linux goes to Hollywood 197k
While the motion picture industry slaps writs on developers of free
video software, Pacific Digital Images is rumoured to be installing
over 1,000 Linux machines. Hollywood might find it awkward, says
John Allan, but the free OS is here to stay in movie production and
Open Forum – Supply and demand 124k
The honour-roll of ISVs who’ve ported their wares to Linux grows by
the day, but there’s still a long wishlist to be fulfilled. Our
panel debates the availability of applications for Linux
Real Life Linux – A touch of class 117k
Marco Skambraks is a Linux developer who’s created a new user
interface with a difference: there’s no drag-and-drop capability,
no cool themes, and you can’t even use a mouse with it. Trevor
Parsons gets a feel for SuSE’s eyes-free Linux
Soapbox 46k
MacUser man Ian Betteridge says Linux developers could learn a lot
from the mistakes of Apple
Linux At Work – Radio gaga 109k
Consume – it’s not an ISP and it’s not a telco, but it’s building
an independent wireless IP network offering high-speed access to
all comers, using free software. Abati-Harris tunes into some
bargain-basement broadband
Testbed – Windows on the world 434k
Internet Explorer for Linux may be a little while off yet, but
there’s a wide enough choice of web browsers already to suit most
tastes. Charlie Stross puts them to the test
All You Need To Know About… Filesystems 83k
If you’re lucky and your requirements aren’t exceptional you fit a
filesystem at install time and forget it. But, says Charlie Stross,
new developments in journalling and network filesystems are
bringing extra reliability and functionality to Linux
Reviews – Products and services 278k
An easy-to-use clustering distribution from Scyld, time-saving
auto-administration courtesy of the Red Hat Network, and
TurboLinux’s high availability solution for webservers are among
the products scrutinised by our panel
Books 78k
Teach Yourself Linux in 24 hours? Just one of the varied titles
picked from LinuxUser’s stacks this month, including an instant
classic from Wrox Press
The Knowledge 55k
Training headlines, training providers listings, plus the latest
free module – More On The Filesystem – from the Linux Training
Materials Project
Q&A – Fair Exchange 90k
Say what you like about the security of Microsoft’s messaging and
collaborative software, it offers features that are valued. We ask
the experts to propose alternative solutions for those wanting to
migrate to Linux server-side
Free Speech 42k
The Great Microsoft Break-in provides the best possible
demonstration of the harm done by exclusionary property concepts in
the creation of software, says Eben Moglen. We will look back on it
as a turning point in the free software revolution