
LinuxWorld: Interview: MySQL Rides Open Source Wave into DBs

IDGNS: You’ve said your goal isn’t to displace
vendors like Oracle and IBM but to exist alongside them. How should
businesses think about using your software?

MM: The typical customer has plenty of, say,
DB2 installations, and they come to us and say, Couldn’t we use you
in some of those instead?

“Today, those applications are typically Web sites, Web
applications and intranets, that’s one area. The second area is
administration–network administration, authorization, database
log-in, and also logging data, for systems management. The third
area is data warehousing, where you have masses of data being
dumped in and out. Then we are at the edge of the enterprise. We’re
not a typical datacenter database today but we are a good fit at
the edge–at the departmental level and in remote locations. That’s
where you can use us…”


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