“Beryl is simply creating some of the most exciting and
innovative work on any computing platform. Amazingly, Beryl came
into existence only 6 months or so ago. The Beryl project
originally forked from the Compiz 3d desktop group around September
of 2006. At the time I had a hard time understanding why we needed
another 3d desktop project, but now that I have had a chance to
watch Beryl develop, their decision makes a whole lot of sense. As
nice as Compiz is, Beryl is the group that is really pushing the
envelope of what a next generation desktop should be like. A new
version, Beryl 0.2.0, will be released shortly and I spent time the
last week testing out Beryl 0.2.0 RC2 on
Kubuntu’s Edgy Eft. The improvements found in
0.2.0 are simply amazing. Improvements in usability features,
improvements in the pure 3d eye candy, and even the Beryl Settings
Manager has been improved (the layout has become much more
logically laid out). As you read through this preview of Beryl
0.2.0 and see some of the screenshots, I think you will get a firm
grasp on how impressive Beryl can be. Basically, Beryl makes OS X
and Vista look old and antiquated…”
Lunapark6: Preview of Beryl 0.2.0
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