
Mandrake.Tips: Successfully Making the Transition to GNU/Linux

[ Thanks to aRTee
for this link. ]

“Some people believe that linux is not for the desktop. However,
the stream of reports of people successfully deploying linux on
their (home or office) desktop is more and more outweighing the
number of reports of people who tried but moved back to their
former platform. In other words, linux can clearly be used on the
desktop, and in many cases the transition can be done fairly
easily. Unfortunately not in all cases.

“If, after a lot of trouble with a setup that in the end only
works partially–and that in an unexpected or undesired way–people
turn away from GNU/linux, this is fully understandable.

“After all, what is more frustrating then putting in a lot of
effort only to find it was a waste of time.

“I believe, to avoid a non-successful move to linux, the
following aspects are of often underestimated importance:

  • motivation to move to linux
  • expectations of the transition itself and of the
  • preparations…”


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