
mozillaZine: Creating a Mozilla Skin Pt. 3 – Skinning the Navbar’s Throbber Animation & Addressbar

In our previous lesson, we discussed how to skin the
menubar. In today’s lesson, we’ll take some of the skills we
learned and start work on the navbar.
I won’t be going into
detail regarding how I found out certain things, as I did in the
last lesson. To help you on your way, you should really read the
first and second installments of the tutorial. After reading them,
you’ll have a much better understanding of the files and
directories we’re working with, and get a better feel for the
process. If you’re pushing ahead without reading them, good

“If you recall, the menu was styled with rules found in
/global/skin/menu.css. The navbar uses style rules from a number of
different files, and introduces another acronym into the mix –


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