
OpenSUSE 11 RC1: The Mercedes-Benz to Ubuntu’s Volkswagen

[ Thanks to Jason
for this link. ]

“2008 will be a very good vintage for community end-user Linux
distributions. So far, we’ve seen the release of Ubuntu 8.04, which
is universally considered to be a major milestone release in
usability and device compatibility, and one of the easiest distros
to install. While not as widely lauded, we have also recently seen
the release of Fedora Core 9, Red Hat’s community development and
bleeding edge technology testing platform, which was the first to
implement the production release of KDE 4.0 as well as pilot the
development version of the Ext4 journaling filesystem.

“I must admit, however, to having a particularly strong interest
in OpenSUSE, Novell’s entry into the community Linux distro fray.
It could be said that in an indirect way,
there’s a little bit of my DNA in the


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