
OSNews: From Linux to FreeBSD: A FreeBSD Review

“We’ve all heard the age old argument second only to the vi vs.
emacs religious wars: FreeBSD Vs Linux. As a long time linux user,
I decided that is was time I spent some time on the other side of
the fence to see if it was any greener. Oh, and by the way, vi

“My first experience with Linux was about 7 years ago. I decided
to try Linux after a failed attempt to install SCO Unix (eek…
really dodged a bullet there). I started with Slackware and over
the years I migrated through various other distributions before
finally settling down with Gentoo. I have been using Linux as my
main OS for about 2 or 3 years. With my background, I felt
reasonably confident that I could adapt well to a different unix
like operating system. I prefer the BSD license to the GPL, so I
saw some potential philosophical advantage in using BSD. For my
evaluation, I chose FreeBSD because after a cursory glance, it
appeared to have the best hardware support and appeared to be the
most popular…”


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