
People, Places, and Participation

“Over on Amber Graner’s blog you can read interviews with some
of the people behind recent FLOSS events. Today she posted an
interview with Alan Hicks, one of the people behind Southeast Linux
Fest. Amber ran off with my camera at Ohio Linux Fest and took some
great photos for me while I was holding down our booth, and it
looks like someone else snapped some good shots of her and other
Ubuntu users at OLF.

“Speaking of Ubuntu users, we launched our first blog on our
Ubuntu User magazine site. Our editor in chief, Joe Casad, and I
have enjoyed working with Marcel Gagné over the years, back
in our Sys Admin magazine and UnixReview.com days, and more
recently on Linux Pro Magazine and Ubuntu User. You can read
Marcel’s first post – U Done Me Right. U Done Me Wrong
– on his Orbiting Planet *buntu blog.”

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