SCO owns the contract rights to the UNIX operating system. SCO
has the contractual right to prevent improper donations of UNIX
code, methods or concepts into Linux by any UNIX vendor.
Copyrights and patents are protection against strangers.
Contracts are what you use against parties you have relationships
with. From a legal standpoint, contracts end up being far stronger
than anything you could do with copyrights.
SCO’s lawsuit against IBM does not involve patents or
copyrights. SCO’s complaint specifically alleges breach of
contract, and SCO intends to protect and enforce all of the
contracts that the company has with more than 6,000 licensees.
We formed SCOsource in January 2003 to enforce our UNIX rights
and we intend to aggressively continue in this successful path of
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group Linux is a
registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.