“I’ve been a fan of lightweight text editors for more than 10
years now. I started out on Emacs, drifted over to Vi(m) for a long
stretch and then somehow settled into Textmate for the last couple
of years. This week, since I’ve been bouncing from OS to OS, I’m
checking in with a number of text editors that I’ve either never
used or haven’t visited in a long time. Having been a KDE guy back
in the day, gedit falls under the former category.“Fresh out of the box, gedit’s not going to win many awards.
It’s decent as far as default text editors go–loades quickly,
tabbed windows, strong unicode support, native (but buggy) SFTP
support via embedded Natilus bookmarks in the sidebar, &c.–but
where it really shines is when you start to flesh out functionality
with plugins…”