
PRNewswire: InsynQ Releases Its Unique InterLynQ Server Appliance

“Xcel Management, Inc., InsynQ, a pioneer of the Internet
Utility Company industry, announced today the availability of
its Linux-based InterLynQ Internet Appliance Server for commercial
distribution in conjunction with its Web-based computing

“The InterLynQ Server facilitates the ability for InsynQ to
effectively monitor and manage Web-based computing deployments that
require robust Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and is considered by
the Company to be the “Swiss Army Knife-all in one server.” The
InterLynQ Server, when deployed at a customer site, provides
feature-rich managed services including Internet routing,
firewalling, local web caching, NAT, file and printer sharing,
e-mail server and remote administration and support using standard
PC’s or network appliances, including the Company’s soon to be
released IdesQ terminal appliance.”

“The InterLynQ Server technology, is part of InsynQ’s Managed
Service Provider technology that provides InsynQ with the
capability to deliver and support secure remote computing desktop
deployments that deliver a common Windows(TM) interface and
application menu. The InterLynQ supports flexible communication
options such as DSL, Frame Relay or T1, while also facilitating
remote administration and software upgrades of the network devices
it supports.”

Press Release

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