[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for
this link. ]
“According to research from app monitoring firm New Relic, open
source Java application servers own a serious chunk of overall
application server usage. In fact, InfoWorld notes that New Relic’s
data illustrates that the open source solutions are hindering
commercial software alternatives. New Relic surveyed a series of
enterprises regarding their Java application servers, with
respondents ranging from big businesses to online merchants. Here
are the numbers the survey turned up.“Silicon Angle is running an infographic that includes New
Relic’s data, and summarizes the results of the survey:“‘Apache Tomcat is used by 54.16 percent of the 1000 enterprise
users that participated in the study. It’s followed by Jetty at 16
percent, JBoss with its 9 percent and GlassFish. IBM’s WebSphere
came in second from last, ahead of WebLogic’s 0.51 percent cut of
the market put by a little more than 1%.'”