
SearchEnterpriseLinux: Embedded, storage and 2.4 developments to rule LinuxWorld

“The LinuxWorld Conference & Expo, set to take place at New
York’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center starting Jan. 30, is
widely expected to be the largest gathering of vendors and Linux
enthusiasts under one roof. The stage is set for the conference
to be the launching ground for a mass of exciting new products,
ranging from small, futuristic handhelds running Linux to large,
enterprise backup servers and storage devices.”

“BigStorage.com Chief Executive Officer Sam Bogoch offered one
prediction, saying “Storage and 2.4 are probably the two biggest
trends we expect.” He had good reason to say so. Bogoch’s San
Francisco-based open source storage company recently landed the
largest Linux storage deal ever with its successful installation of
10 TB of its iRAID product for Redwood City, Calif.-based

“In addition to standard-sized servers, the incredible shrinking
server and PC will be featured at the show. Singapore-based
Celestix intends to highlight its new Aries Microserver Plus,
reportedly the smallest and lightest SOHO server on the market.
David Feldman, the founder and CEO of Palo Alto, Calif.’s ZF Linux
Devices, will showcase a postage stamp-sized computer called the
MachZ PC-on-a-chip, which he hopes will dramatically change the
world around us.”

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