
searchEnterpriseLinux: Linux lovers count the ways they love it

[ Thanks to Nobody for this link.

“Three years ago, Linux was really the only option for Emmanuel
Briand and his co-founders of iParadigms, Oakland, Calif….”

“IParadigms runs an online service for schools and colleges that
allows institutions to check submitted essays and papers for
plagiarism. Students upload their papers to the company’s site,
Turnitin.com. They papers are checked using a special algorithm for
similarities to previously submitted papers and to others stored in
the company’s database.”

“Originally, Linux was a temporary fix, Briand said. When their
business grew, they planned to move to another system. But as the
years went by, the Linux system served them very well so they kept
with it ultimately winding up with SuSE distributions. Today,
iParadigms has 15 servers all running Linux.”

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