“Confused about clustering technologies? You’re not alone, says
Michael Tiemann, CTO of Red Hat Inc. There are many kinds of
clustering solutions—such as load balancing, high
scalability, and high availability—all of which wear the
cluster label, he says. To tell them apart, IT professionals need
to have heart-to-hearts with product vendors and read between the
lines of marketing hype.”
“You don’t have to go to a trade show to have a
heart-to-heart chat about high availability with Tiemann. In a
SearchEnterpriseLinux.com Live Expert Q&A on Jan. 17 at 3 p.m.
EST, Tiemann will be on the spot to answer live questions about
choosing and implementing clustering enterprise-strength clustering
solutions on the Linux platform.”
“Expect the unexpected in this live forum. Tiemann is known for
taking controversial stances. He hasn’t minced words, in interviews
with SearchEnterpriseLinux, when talking about Linux’s
“shirt-and-tie” competitors or anti-commercial, free software
purists in the open source world.”
Live Expert Q&A, 17 January 2001, 3 p.m. EST