Jeff Gerhardt writes:
Russell Pavlicek one of the team currently working on the
technical spin-up of Linux software consultants at Compaq Computer,
wrote an interesting article posted on Linux Today back on July
The article framed well the debate that has long been going on
in places like Slashdot and Linux Today, about the potential
problems caused by some of the more vocal or rabid members of the
Linux communuity. At least in my opinion, it was a great
Now that we have obtained the participation of Russell, The
Linux Show would like to offer itself as a platform for individuals
in both the greater Linux community and those in the vendor
community to voice their opinions on this issue. We would like to
have this discussion on our Tuesday night live broadcast.
If you have an opinion on this and would like to join the
discussion broadcast around the world, please email me (Jeff
Gerhardt) directly ( or call the show
tuesday night 888-591-tech
We would really encourage your participation!