“Until recently, the only thing of interest about Linux for
me was how to pronounce it (“Lih-nuks”, according to my new
manual). But that was before the challenge of being able to browse
the web across my home network without mortagaging the
“In our kitchen a venerable Acorn A3000 sits at the centre of a
Heath Robinson multimedia centre, providing computer, TV, CD, fax
and email in the room we use the most. Although the old warrior,
upgraded to a massive 8MB of memory, refuses to die, it has one
limitation: a very slow serial port, making it next to useless for
web browsing.”
“Given that I use Mac OS at work, look after three versions of
Windows on the home network and still use Acorn’s Risc OS for
preference, tackling yet another operating system, would not be the
first-choice solution.”