
The Linux community is fragmented, or is it?

[ Thanks to locutus
for this link. ]

“It has been said many times that if only the Linux
community were to band together and start rooting for the same team
so to speak, then Linux could easily surpass other proprietary
operating systems. They say that it is due to the fragmented nature
of the people in Linux that it only has a minuscule share of the
market. It is reported that all the infighting, arguments and flame
wars around different distributions and even within the same
distribution, is holding Linux back from reaching it’s true

“On the face of things it does appear so. There are literally
hundreds of Linux distributions floating around the ether space.
Some are living and being actively developed and some are to all
intents and purposes deader than a tyrannosaurus rex.

“Within those active communities there is lots of infighting,
slander and unfortunately sexism. There have even been outright
attacks and threats of physical violence against individuals.
Sometimes reaching the stage where those individuals were forced to
remove themselves from the Linux community. “

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