[ Thanks to Doug Bostrom for
this link. ]
“We’ve received an enormous amount of feedback from our story on
the impossibility of opening money-saving online energy accounts
with Scottish Power if you are a Linux or Opera user.“Many of you reporting that it’s difficult for Linux users with
default browser configurations to view the Scottish Power site at
all. Instead, Linux users receive an unhelpful message that “We
have detected certain aspects of your system that will prevent you
experiencing this site fully. These are: You are not running a
Windows or Apple Macintosh operating system”.“Opera users can’t use the site either, and with your help we
think we’ve narrowed down this issue to Scottish Power’s use of an
antiquated version of a software tool called BrowserHawk, which
incorrectly reports that Opera fails to support neither Flash or
cookies.“There is a workaround for both Opera and Linux users, but it’s
only partially effective…”
Related Story:
The Register: Scottish Power Disconnects Linux Users(Oct 21,