Thanks to Leo Comitale for
this link.
“… will be one of the hottest development markets in our
increasingly networked world. And I don’t just mean the Internet or
your company LAN. I mean your car, your cell phone, your electric
meter, and anything else that needs to update one or more devices
will be depending on an embedded DB that will be taking its queue
from a Linux server. Scoff, do you? Well, I’ve heard from a source
inside Ford that Linux is being considered as the server software
for diagnostic systems being fed by the dozens of embedded
processors collecting data in upcoming car models. Also, one of the
companies that has made a strong showing in the embedded-database
market in recent years is Pervasive Software. Pervasive SQL is a
small, fast, and flexible database, or so developers tell me. And
they should know, having outfitted uncountable devices with the
company’s nifty software, which is Btrieve-based. What they might
not know is that by the end of June, the company will introduce
Pervasive SQL 2000 and Tango 2000, or so I’ve heard. The company
will also show the first Linux version of Pervasive SQL this month,
though it will only be in beta with customer-ready shipments
sometime in the fall. Exactly when, my sources did not say. Tango
2000, which can be used to write Enterprise JavaBeans or COM
objects, will ship in July for Windows NT, and its UNIX version
will be ready in August. One interesting thing I’m told about Tango
2000 is that it stores its files in XML format, which will make the
information Web-ready from the get-go.”