
UNIXReview: Review: Kapital 1.1, GnuCash 1.8, and Moneydance

[ Thanks to Marcel
for this link. ]

“Whenever I talk about financial applications, I experience an
overwhelming need to confess. I hate accounting and everything that
goes along with that. The only up side I can see to this whole
tracking of money is that I get to spend some of it. Oddly enough,
that is why accounting packages are important even to people like
me–if you like spending money, it helps to collect it and keep
track of it as it comes and goes.

“So, putting aside my distaste of accounting, I embarked upon an
exploration of personal finance accounting packages for Linux.
There are actually far more accounting packages available for Linux
than you might imagine, but I was looking specifically at personal
finance managers. For that reason, I set my sights on three of the
more popular packages: GnuCash, Kapital, and Moneydance…”


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