
Using Corkscrew to tunnel SSH over HTTP

“Ever come to work and realize you left a required file at home?
Or you’re out on the road and find yourself in the same
situation? Some environments and ISPs have strict firewall rules
that can make life difficult. In some cases, these rules are
absolutely required, in others perhaps not so much. If you are in
an environment that disallows the use of SSH and forces the use of
an HTTP proxy, it is possible to use that HTTP proxy as a transport
for SSH.

“Please note that I am not advocating breaking out of your
environment’s firewall if you have a policy that expressly
prevents that or outbound SSH access! Unfortunately in the real
world, some draconian firewall rules are in place that cause more
grief than they need to and without a real reason. In some
environments, however, the explicit denial of outbound SSH is
required and for that reason you should respect the policy. I am
not at all advocating breaking any rules unless you have permission
or an exception from the people that should provide it.”


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