
WebTools.com: MozillaQuest: Building Your Own Browser Part III

[ Thanks to Christian
for this link. ]

“Welcome to our continuing browser building series. Before we
get cracking, let’s do a quick review. In MQ-Part I, we created our
own Mozilla-based Web browser by changing the Mozilla, browser
title bar to the WebTools M14 Browser, and putting our own WebTools
logo on the URL (navigation) bar. Then we changed the bar from the
Mozilla browser’s icy blue to a warmer, friendlier yellow and

“Then in MQ-Part II, we customized the M14 Mozilla Milestone
release by adding an animated logo, changing the URL/navigation
buttons, and brightening the personal, tool, and URL bars some. We
also made some changes to the Composer and E-Mail/News clients that
are part of the Mozilla Browser Suite.”

Here in our third outing, we’ll start customizing the My
Sidebar Mozilla browser-suite panel.


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