
Why Linux should celebrate all of its distributions

Each distribution winds up with its own camp — similar to that of Windows and Mac. One lays claim to holding market share of the predominant user groups, while one places its flag on being the hippest (and most user-friendly) platform on the planet. It’s a modern-day David vs. an ancient, juggernaut Goliath. And while Salt cries foul on Pepper for poisoning the water that is Linux, Pepper shouts to the stars that Salt is spreading FUD to keep Pepper from gaining the traction it needs.

This battle continues on. Neither gains or loses any ground, thanks to the steady pull into the mire of a perpetual war. What these two distributions fail to see is that, like Mac and Windows, their variations on a theme can not only live on side-by-side but can thrive and help one another reach heights Linux might never have otherwise known. This has been, and always will be, the strength of Linux — a community of developers, users, advocates, and fans always at the ready to guide a distribution through murky and rough waters. At least… in theory.

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