
Wine, Linux and Multimedia Software

[ Thanks to Derek
for this link. ]

“In a roundabout way, this brings me on to the subject of this
article, which is the Wine software. This is an open source
implementation of the Windows Application Programming Interface on
top of X, OpenGL, and Linux. I am not exactly sure what this means,
but in plain English, it means that Wine is a compatibility layer
between Windows programs and Linux. When running a Windows
application with Wine, the software actually believes it is running
under Windows. The name is derived from the recursive acronym, Wine
Is Not an Emulator.

“The purpose of this article is to try out some of my favourite
Windows multimedia software in Wine. This is not intended to be an
exhaustive survey of Windows multimedia software, but merely to
capture my thoughts on software which I used on a regular basis
under Windows.”

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