
Worldskills competition puts IT students to the test

[ Thanks to stonyandcher for this link.

“Paul Harapin, VMware Australia and New Zealand
managing director, called the event the IT equivalent of
MasterChef. “To use the MasterChef analogy, it’s not
just about serving up the food, but it’s in the plating up
and the presentation of it too,” Harapin said. VMware’s
Dennis Lao, systems engineer, and Reid Purvis, VMware Systems
Engineer, NSW Public Sector and Education, donned their aprons as
event judges, to see if the proof was in the IT pudding.

““When the VMware judges looked at the final installation
and the way the Web server was set up, it came down to the fine
technical details and overall skill to produce the final
winner,” Harapin said. “At the tasting of the output,
the feedback was very positive overall.”


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