
After 2.0 Release, Miguel de Icaza Reflects on Mono’s Past and Future

“Running counter to this success is a steady stream of criticism
that is so strong that, in many free software circles, it is better
known than Mono’s success. “The hostility started on day one, you
know?” de Icaza says. “A lot of people are not pro-something;
they’re anti-Microsoft. And Mono was criticized early on because
Microsoft created the APIs, and Microsoft is evil.”

“De Icaza suggests that a certain double standard has been
present in much of the criticism. He notes, for example, that the
same people who criticized Mono, which has always been free
software and cross-platform, used to be far more tolerant towards
Sun Microsystems’Java when it was still proprietary and ran only on
platforms that Sun chose to support.”


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