[ Thanks to Matt for
this link. ]
“The SCO Group filed lawsuits this week against DaimlerChrysler
and AutoZone, but the Unix seller’s attorneys also had prepared a
complaint against Bank of America, according to a document.“A Microsoft Word document of SCO’s suit against
DaimlerChrysler, seen by CNET News.com, originally identified Bank
of America as the defendant instead of the automaker. This revision
and others in the document can be seen through powerful but often
forgotten features in Microsoft Word known as invisible electronic
ink.“A feature in the word-processing software tracks changes to
documents, who made those changes, and when they were made. These
notations typically are invisible to someone reading a Word
document. But as some lawyers, businesspeople and politicians have
learned the hard way, Word can also display so-called metadata in
the document–including the original version and all subsequent
changes. This information is available by viewing the document
under ‘original showing markup’ or ‘final showing markup…'”