Thanks to Andrew.Cope for this link.
“Okay, I surrender. Your response to my piece last week on Linux
has left me delighted, amazed and dumbfounded. At last count I had
received more than 70 emails – some of them very, very detailed –
on the topic. They have come from the US, Germany, Finland,
Britain, Japan – you name it – and with only a few exceptions they
make fascinating reading.”
“It appears that many of you are, indeed, using Linux in your
businesses. The reasons for your choice are numerous, but one thing
stands out: you don’t Linux just because it’s a cheaper option than
the alternatives – although price is important to you. You choose
it, first, because it is rock-solid. It seems that, metaphorically
speaking, neither wind, nor rain, nor sleet, nor hail can stop it.
Your letters show that it is being used in businesses where it is
needed to play a mission-critical role. If I am to believe your
emails, its reliability is far superior to Windows NT.”