
Developers Ignore SCO, Houston ISP Pays the SCO Piper

BusinessWire: Nine Out of Ten Linux Developers Refute SCO’s
Linux Lawsuit, New Evans Data Study

“More than 90% of Linux developers don’t believe the SCO/Linux
lawsuit has any merit, according to the Spring 2004 Linux
Development Survey from Evans Data Corporation. Three percent
‘absolutely’ believe the lawsuit has merit, a further 5% think it
‘probably’ has merit but more than half answered ‘absolutely

“Nearly 60% of respondents’ companies have evaluated the
intellectual property risks of Linux but only 13% indicated the
lawsuit would either ‘absolutely’ or ‘probably’ impact their
company’s adoption of Linux. Two in five developers believe Linux
distributors should offer guarantees against the potential impact
of the lawsuit. However, even if SCO does win the lawsuit, almost
two thirds of developers think it will have only a minor effect on
Linux development…”

Complete Story

PR: SCO Signs Intellectual Property License Agreement with
Leading Dedicated Server Provider

The SCO Group, Inc. today announced an intellectual property
licensing agreement with EV1Servers.Net, a dedicated hosting
division of Houston-based Everyones Internet (EV1.Net). Under the
terms of the agreement, SCO will provide EV1Servers.Net with a site
license that allows the use of SCO IP in binary form on all Linux
servers managed by EV1Servers.Net in each of its hosting

EV1Servers.Net joins other Fortune 1000 companies that have
signed up for a SCO IP license, which was initially offered in
August 2003. EV1Servers.Net is one of the world’s leading dedicated
server providers, with more than 20,000 servers under management.
The SCO site license allows EV1Servers.Net and its customers to
continue running business operations on Linux servers without
interruption or concern regarding SCO IP issues.

“The SCO agreement eliminates uncertainty from our clients’
hosting infrastructure,” says Robert Marsh, Head Surfer and CEO of
Everyones Internet. “Our current and future users now enjoy the
peace of mind of knowing that their websites and data are hosted on
a SCO IP compliant platform. This agreement demonstrates EV1’s
commitment to providing customers with stable, long term solutions
that they can depend on for their growth.”

“The most valuable asset of any software company is its
intellectual property,” said Darl McBride, president and CEO, The
SCO Group. “Hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested to
make our UNIX software the robust, mature operating system that it
is today. We know it has tremendous value and are pleased that
other companies – like EV1Servers.Net – recognize our investment
and the importance of SCO’s valuable IP asset as well.”

The SCO IP licensing program was created in response to customer
requests and is specifically designed to provide end users with a
license that allows them to continue running business operations on
a SCO IP compliant platform. On Jan. 15, 2004, SCO began offering
the SCO IP license to all companies worldwide.

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